"Beauty comes as much from the mind as from the eye."
- Grey Livingston
Cosmetic Surgery>>

Arm Lift
What is an arm lift?

Also known as brachioplasty, an
arm lift reshapes the under portion of the upper arm, from the underarm region to the elbow.

Droopy, sagging upper arms can make you feel self conscious in a short sleeve shirt, and you may as well forget about that red strapless dress you have been eyeing at the local boutique. Sound familiar? If so, you may be a candidate for an arm lift (brachioplasty). This popular plastic surgery procedure can help your arms go from "flabulous" to "fabulous."

An arm lift – with or without liposuction – can help create a well-defined, trim and toned upper arm that complements your figure as well as your wardrobe. Today's arm lift techniques are safer and the scars are much less conspicuous than they have been in the past.

Arm Lift
Candidates for Arm Lift

An arm lift is one of the top four most popular plastic surgery procedures performed following massive weight loss, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This is because people who lose massive amounts of weight tend to have significant amounts of fat hanging under their arms.

The soft tissue of the arm becomes lax, setting the stage for ptosis (sagging), otherwise referred to as the bat-wing appearance. Thin people, too, may have sagging upper arms due to the effects of aging and genetics. Even people who engage in regular exercise including Pilates and strength training cannot get rid of excess, sagging skin that develops in this area.
Dr. Harry Marshak, F.A.C.S.
421 North Rodeo Drive | Beverly Hills, CA 90210
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